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2019 film

Watched 4 April 2019

This is the superhero equivalent of a zombie movie where the characters keep saying the word “zombie” all the time.

The writing here is even worse than Split. The core plot device (what Sarah Paulson spends most of the movie doing) simply doesn’t work! It never felt the least bit believable. It’s a premise completely at odds with Shyamalan’s direction in the previous films, what he’s been showing us this whole time. It doesn’t work for the viewer, and it shouldn’t have worked for the characters — which makes it a double-whammy of dumb. This is, of course, all done in favor of a big twist (and, in my case, a big sigh).

I really might have to revisit Unbreakable, which I thought was cool however many years ago I watched it. I’m hoping it holds up.