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July 2018

  1. The Witness

    2016 video game

    Played 22 July 2018 on Mac

    I played it in fits and starts, but I was charmed every time, and always envious of the brilliant ideas on display. The design is just so economic and straightforward, yet presents so many possibilities for variation. Deserves to be in some design museum’s permanent collection.

  2. Akira

    1988 film

    Rewatched 16 July 2018

    Kaneda uncovers his iconic red bike.

    I will never not be amazed that this movie exists. There is a very rare quality to the animation work here — you never forget it’s hand drawn, yet it’s always alive.

  3. CSS grid in Internet Explorer 11

    Jeremy Keith:

    Frankly, the whole point of prefixed CSS is that is not used after a reasonable amount of time (originally, the idea was that it would not be used in production, but that didn’t last long). As we’ve moved away from prefixes to flags in browsers, I’m seeing the amount of prefixed properties dropping, and that’s very, very good. I’ve stopped using autoprefixer on new projects, and I’ve been able to remove it from some existing ones—please consider doing the same.

    Browser prefixes seem to be slowly going away. I stopped using Autoprefixer last year and haven’t missed it.

  4. Taking Back The Web

    Jeremy Keith at Webstock 2018:

    I also think we should remember the original motto of the World Wide Web, which was: let’s share what we know. And over the next few days, you’re going to hear a lot of amazing, inspiring ideas from amazing, inspiring people and I hope that you would be motivated to maybe share your thoughts. You could share what you know on Mark Zuckerberg’s website. You could share what you know on Ev Williams’s website. You could share what you know on Biz Stone and Jack Dorsey’s website. But I hope you’ll share what you know on your own website.

  5. Brutalist Web Design

    David Bryant Copeland writes a manifesto:

    Brutalist Web Design is honest about what a website is and what it isn’t. A website is not a magazine, though it might have magazine-like articles. A website is not an application, although you might use it to purchase products or interact with other people. A website is not a database, although it might be driven by one.

    A website is about giving visitors content to enjoy and ways to interact with you.

  6. Frick Filler

    Game designer Jan Willem Nijman:

    I gave a 4-minute talk at @AMazeFest about how making long games is unethical, watch it here

    I love this idea:

    We should all design our games like bus rides — they should have multiple stops along the way. If someone is happy with your game, they should be able to stop playing at that point. Give your game that ending after two hours. Give it that ending after ten hours for the people who want more of it and want to find all the secrets. Give it, like, the 100-hour ARG with speedrunning, trophy, whatever shit, but let people quit your game in a way that makes them happy.

  7. Hot Fuzz

    2007 film

    Rewatched 30 June 2018

    The first big shootout’s action feels a bit imprecise in a post-John Wick world, but that’s about all I can criticize. This is still a masterpiece in my book.