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Welcome to my website’s hamburger menu. Whatever isn’t somewhere else is here.


  • All Posts 468 posts
    Blog and notes, together.

  • Blog 270 posts
    About the web and other things. The meat and potatoes.
    Sub-feeds: articles, links

  • Notes 198 posts
    My social media posts, all in one place. Mostly movie reviews.
    Sub-feeds: microblog, photos, reviews

  • Library 766 entries
    A running log of everything I watch, read, and play.
    Sub-feeds: film, tv, video games, books

  • Read Later 149 unread
    Links that I saved but haven’t read yet. Might be interesting.




There are many websites, but this one is mine.

I don’t run analytics or visitor tracking of any kind. I do my best to offer semantic HTML that is accessible to everyone (please let me know if it’s not). CSS is optional, but recommended; the stylesheet is based on my own Cobalt boilerplate. Javascript is very optional. Timestamps are all in Lisbon time.

Text is typeset in Input Sans Narrow by David Jonathan Ross. David is super nice and I thank him for his patience and encouragement as I messed around with the site’s typography and asked him for feedback. The Letra Studio logotype is set in Scandia Medium from Process Type Foundry.

This is a static site, built with Jekyll and a few plugins: jekyll-paginate-v2, jekyll-archives, and jekyll-sitemap. Backend code is written in Node.js and relies heavily on Express. Everything is hosted on Netlify, which I cannot recommend enough. I use Nova for writing code, iA Writer for writing prose, Sketch for most design work, and Soulver for math.

This site follows the principles of the IndieWeb, because I like owning my content and my place on the web. Posts are published with Micropub, using rel-me authentication by way of Syndication feeds are offered in both Atom and JSON Feed formats.

You can find me and other sites like mine on

© 2016–2025 João Beleza Freire